Awe and Wonder
On August 21st, the Moon will pass between the Earth and the Sun. This is something that happens about once a month, but this month, for...

With All Your Heart, Soul, and Mind
"Free will is usually treated as an all-or-nothing affair; an act is or is not free. It is more helpful, I believe, to see human action

Adam and the Point of It All: The Theology of Evolution
Did you know that Adam and Eve didn’t eat the apple? They ate a quince. Or it could have been a fig. Or a pomegranate. The text doesn’t...

Interpreting Evolution
If you would, open your Bible to Genesis 1 and start reading. Sketch (or let's be realistic, imagine) a picture of the world it...

How is the Bible True?
Obviously, the Bible is a book. It’s an anthology of ancient documents, of prophecies, poems, and letters. Many Christians would also...

Can We Know?: Postmodernism (Part 2)
In Part 1 of our discussion of twentieth-century physics and postmodernity, we tackled the shift from modernism to postmodernism; how the...

Can We Know?: Postmodernism (Part 1)
Imagine that you knew how fast every single particle that makes up the universe around you was moving and where it was going-- all the...

It seems that everything is an apocalypse these days. Judging from the popularity of shows like The Walking Dead or Last Man on Earth and...

A God-of-the-Gaps AntiStory
More likely than not, you know someone who goes to local storytelling events, you’ve listened to The Moth, you’ve read about the...

Did There Have To Be Nothing?: Cosmology and Creator
Regardless of what you believe, the opening scene of Genesis has deeply beautiful imagery: over the chaotic darkness at the beginning of...